Spring didn't last long this year, in fact it never really got here. Up until this week, the weather had tended to be rather cool with a few warm days mixed in. I started out the week wearing clothes more appropriate for early March with the furnace running at night. Today it was 88 degrees and marked the third straight day in which we flirted with the 90 degree mark. I've had the air conditioning on since Friday afternoon and it'll probably stay on through tomorrow night. So what does any of this have to do with man arms? Well, today would have been a great day to wear a sleevless top, but when I try one on, I just look absolutely stupid. You see, like most transsexuals, my arms are much bigger than natal females.
Now I've lost a ton of muscle these past few years as the hormones have done their thing but no amount of estrogen is going to change my bone structure and as we all know, the male skeleton is built much bigger than the female one. Add in the fact that I'm rather tall and it's a recipe for not being able to find clothing that fits. In the summer, it's especially hard to find tops that fit as most summer fashions seem to be off the small size. So, I'm once again on track for another farmers tan. Such is my life.
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