LOST has always been a character driven show and in the end, it was all about the characters, especially Jack. Along the way, it was easy to get caught up in the mysteries of the island but when you got right down to it, the stories of these incredibly flawed and tormented individuals were what drove the show. I'm not here to recap last nights finale, I think it's pretty clear what happened, but I will say that I'm not sure it could have ended any better than it did. NO, what I'm here to do is share a few of my favorite things from this six year journey...
Favorite Episode: Man of Science, Man of Faith- This is the premiere episode from season two in which we are treated to one of the best surprises of the entire show, the fact that someone, Desmond, was living in that hatch and pushing those damn numbers every 108 minutes. Here is the opening sequence to Lost at it's best...
Runner Up: Through The Looking Glass- This season three finale is perhaps the darkest episode in the Lost timeline. Jack is finding his life spiraling out of control as he becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol. As his world, in an apparent flashback, falls completely apart, we find out in the end that what we are seeing is actually taking place after leaving the island, the first use of a flashforward. Here is a clip of the surprise ending...
Favorite Character(s): Desmond Hume and Juliet Burke. From the first time we met Desmond, I knew that he was important, I just didn't know why or how. Juliet, well, who couldn't love sweet Juliet, especially Juliet and Sawyer.

Favorite Island Mystery- The numbers of course. One of my favorite things about each episode was looking for references to the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42. That the candidates to replace Jacob were each assigned one of these numbers was brilliant.
Here is a brief clip of Hurley riding through the Sydney airport...
Here is a clip of the season one finale when Hurley sees the numbers written on the hatch door...
Least Favorite Island Mystery- Why Walt was special. He wasn't.
The World According To Sawyer...
Best Quote- John Locke to Jack Shepard: "Why do you find it so hard to believe?"
Here is the clip...
Best Use of Music- The best was by far Make Your Own Kind of Music by Mama Cass. It played in the opening sequence of season two premiere seen above. The runner up would have to be the premiere episode of season three when Juliet puts in the Petula Clark CD Downtown. Here is the clip...
I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you. So, I'll just leave you with the wise words of one Desmond Hume..."see you in another life brotha"
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