Here is a before picture of my raingarden...
Here is a picture from today...
Here is a picture of some of my flower pots just days after planting them...
Here is a picture of them today...
Here are some other views of the front yard...
Here is a picture of a few of my backyard flower pots...
Here is a picture of some of the bamboo I'm growing to hide my garage...
Another view...
And more...
This bamboo grew to this height in about a week...
Here is a picture of the side of my house where I get almost zero sun. I've planted ground cover and Hosta's, all of which are doing wonderful...
This last picture is my compost pile. I've got some really great compost that is just itching to get into a garden. I'm going to build some raised beds for next year and this compost will be great for the veggies I'm planning on growing...
i am so goddamn jealous of your yards it is unreal.
It's freaky looking at these pictures, because your house and mine are almost identical in construction. Yours seems a little bigger, extending out from one side a bit.
Elliot and i have been trying to figure out what to do to seriously remodel the look of our yards. i think i might end up trying to replicate much of what you have going on.
As i have a black thumb and don't know anything about planting, expect annoying questions.
These beautiful pictures are to blame. You brought it on yourself.
You know, a lot of what you see just sort of happened over a series of several years. Aside from my rain garden (it collects water from my gutters), nothing was really planned in any detail. I'm actually going to have to get in there soon and thin some stuff out as it's getting a bit out of control.
We have a pretty long growing season here (Mid March to late October) so stuff tends to grow pretty good. We also get quite a bit of rain, though we are a bit dry right now.
My best advice is to use lots of perennials (more expensive at first but not in long run), lots of colors and textures, native plants if possible and unlike me, plan things a bit better. A lot of my taller stuff ended up in front instead of back.
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