I Want My Own Luce or Rachel

I've got some pretty good stuff to talk about later tonight but for now, I'll present just a teaser. When I first started to be attracted to the girls, I always pictured myself as one of them and not the boy I was. Perhaps that's why it took so long for me to actually have a girlfriend as I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that it really wouldn't be the way I pictured it and imagined it to be. It hurt really bad to know that I had to play the part of the guy and as a result, my relationships with various girlfriends were always a bit weird and certainly a lot strained. I wanted something that wasn't going to happen and I would always let it get in the way of what was otherwise a really good thing.

Anyways, I think I might be ready to start venturing into that strange world of trying to find someone special. I know it's a longshot and all, but don't we at least deserve the chance to have it happen? I think so and that's what I want to talk about later. You see, I want my own version of Luce (pronounced Loose as in short for Lucy) and Rachel and it isn't going to happen unless I do something to help make it so. I have no idea if my Luce or Rachel is out there, I hope she is, but it's still nice to imagine that anything is possible.