This Country Needs This Man

I'm a pretty enthusiastic Obama supporter and I plan to vote for him when Kentucky holds it's Primary in May, but I can't help but feel that the man this country so desperately needs won't be on the ballot. I'm speaking of course of Al Gore, the Elder Statesman of the Democratic Party and the man who had the 2000 Presidential election stolen from him by five conservative Supreme Court Justices. He is perhaps the only person who could save this country from the mess it finds itself in and yet, he doesn't appear to want the job. We can't blame him of course, who the hell would want to try and clean up the cluster-fuck Dubya has left behind, but he would nonetheless be the sanest choice to occupy the Oval Office.

I still find myself fuming over the results of the 2000 election and one can't help but wonder how different America and the World would be today had Gore not had the will of the voters overturned. While it's probable that 9/11 probably would have happened, Gore most certainly would not have responeded the way Dubya did to that fateful day. Gore would not have attacked Iraq, would not have let Bin Laden get away and he for sure would not have taken the Constitution of the United States, the most sacred document ever penned by the hand of man, to a paper shredder. Gore would not have tarnished the image of this once great country, he would not have illegaly spied on his fellow Americans and most likely, America would be a leader in combating Climate Change, not the poster boy for ineptitude we currently are.

That the media so shamelessly helped but Dubya in office makes me even more pissed off. They never tired of calling Gore a robot, of making fun of how wonkish he was and repeating over and over the lie that Gore claimed to have invented the internet. They told us what a great guy Dubya was, how he would be much more fun to have a drink with, how Dubya was charming and a regular joe while Gore was stiff and boring, only wanting to talk about policy. Well, nearly 8 years later, the country is in ruins and they are doing it all over again, putting John McBush up on an altar, telling us what a "Maverick" he is and having BBQ's at McBush's "rustic" cabin. The past 7 years have worked out great, haven't they, and now they want to do it all over again.