Wal-Mart Sucks Ass

I hate Wal-Mart with a passion, more than any other corporation in America or the world. Just the thought of having to walk into one is enough to make me ill and thus I avoid them at all cost. Words cannot express how much I loathe Wal-Mart and everything that they stand for, or so I thought. Today, The Rude Pundit takes Wal-Mart to task over the case of the brain damaged employee:

"If you've ever been in a Wal-Mart, you have felt a sense of despair wash over you that must at least approximate the emotions felt by a resident of Berlin in the first couple of years after the Second World War."

To me it kind of seems like Dresden during the firebombing, but I digress...

"It is the strip mall taken to its logical conclusion: a giant mobile home/barn filled with tons of shit that most of us would not even conceive of needing amid more tons of shit that people do need so that desire, want, and basic human need are conflated into an orgy of acquisition that makes even the lowest paid bastard feel like he's got that middle class glow of material good satiation."

Of course no one needs all of that shit...

"And walking through the store is a nightmare out of Brueghel, with its often grimy floors, its shelves stocked for three or four feet over your head, its aisles full of slowly creeping carts pushed by lower middle class or poor people tallying in their heads how much they can afford, if they can buy more scrapbooking supplies, if they can resist the displays of popcorn machines that look like carnival wagons, as their kids, learning that facing the horror of one's own stymied caste position and the inevitability of disease and death, whine for more plastic shit, the spackle of the cracked soul."

Well said and I urge you to read the rest of the post. Please, do not shop at Wal-Mart, do not walk into a Wal-Mart, do not even think about Wal-Mart.