This, That and My First Spring Flower

Well, that didn't last long. I just couldn't stay away from blogging and seeing as how I'm in a bit of a better mood, I thought tonight might be a good time to share a few things. With that, let's get it started...

1. I went to see my therapist today and while I really don't want to share everything that we talked about, some things are best left unsaid, it was nonetheless a very productive session. I wish I could see her more often but seeing as how she's in Lexington and I'm in Louisville, well, the 70 miles tends to keep us apart. There are quite a few therapist here in Louisville who work with gender variant patients but I just have a special bond with Marcia and I'm just not ready to find someone local. Anyways, I wanted to share something cool with you. You don't have to watch the whole video below, just the first minute or so, but I think it's kinda cool that my therapist was almost Miss. America, she's the 3rd one called...

2. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of our big 14 inch snowstorm and I think I'm safe in saying that there won't be any of the white stuff tomorrow as the forecast high is 68 degrees. Though we haven't had a fraction of the snow we had last winter, this one seems to have been the one that will never end. We did have the big snow and ice storm in January but since then only an inch or two. No, it wasn't the snow, it was the damn cold. Just a few days ago we were at 16 degrees and now we are in the 60's. I hope we've turned the corner but I suspect Old Man Winter will rear his head again.

3. Speaking of spring, my first flower of the season is in full bloom. Now granted, it sits right next to my house and thus gets some extra warmth but considering how many days this week were well below zero, it's still pretty impressive.

4. Once again, John Stewart shows why The Daily Show is the best show going. If you missed it, Stewart took CNBC to task over their coverage of the economic crisis, using video clips of the networks stars being wrong, wrong and more wrong. Here it is...

5. I'm on record as saying that Lost is the best television show ever, though last season did it's best to make me look like a fool, and judging by the shows this season, I think it's clear that Lost has once again found it's mojo and is reminding us once again why it's so fucking great. Now if Sawyer ditches the amazing Juliet for the fucked up Kate, well, I'm going to be pissed.

6. To clarify a few things from my post from last Saturday, let me repeat that yes I am a very unhappy person but despite what I said, I don't want to give up. Yes, I'm very lonely and quite sad, but I'm hoping that I've bottomed out and that I'll somehow find my way out of this abyss that I've found myself in recently.


Some Hippie Chick | March 5, 2009 at 11:26 PM

It's nice to hear from you. Agree that Lost is terrific this year; I'm glad we gave them a second chance.
#6 - No need to explain. To drop a favorite movie quote: "Just remember, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour, and I know the sour."